Kamis, 11 Desember 2008

Spam V.S KenyataanYang Tertunda

Kemarin aku coba coba buka email lewat web..
Biasanya sich gak pernah, biasanya mah buka email pake HP, kan ada email client atu..
Sebanernya sich mau menghapus email email yang udah kadaluarsa dan gak begitu penting..
Yaah, dari pada menuh menuhin inbox aja..
Pas aku buka kok di kotak spam ada 16 email masuk, email seperti apa yang nyangkut di kotak spam ya?
Tanganku menuntun kursor kearah kotak spam tersebut, dan dengan sekali "klik", aduh gak muncul (udah agak error mousenya), "klik lagi ah" maka terbukalah..
Jeng Jeng Jeng Jeng..
Wuih, isinya hampir sama semua..
kira kira seperti ini :

AUSTRALIA LOTTERY INTERNATIONAL AWARD PROMOTION,Suite 154, Clarendon Road,SDY AUSTRALLIA...Dear Winner,We happily announce to you that you have won ourInternational Charity Award of USD$1.500,000.00 (One Million FiveHundred Thousand United States Dollars only) duringthe 2008 Global Internet Summit titled\"Discovering Greatness\", held in sydney,Australia.All 30 winning Addresses were randomly selectedfrom a batch of 50,000,000 internationalEmails. Your Email address emerged alongside 29others as a category 2 winner in this yearsAnnual AUSTRALIA LOTTERY INTERNATIONALdraw. No tickets were sold. Consequently, youhave therefore been approved for a total pay outof USD$1.500,000,00 only. The following particularsare attached to your lotto payment order:(i)Winning Serial Number: 900-102-447(ii) EmailTicket Number: AUS754/22/76\(iii) Lotto CodeNumber: TL09622AUS\(iv) File Ref Number:ICA11-GIS2008AU\Please contact our regional Agent in london United Kingdom soon aspossible for the immediate release ofyour winnings:ClaimsAgent: Mr David SmithE-=MAIL: http://mail.google.com/mail/h/11ahgfcy0gja8/?v=b&cs=wh&to=royalscotland@live.co.ukCall this number for your Agent: +44 7031917686N.B: Steps to claiming your prize;1. Contactyour claims Agent immediately you receive thisnotification to begin\the claims process.2.You are required to send your full name(s) as itshould appear on the Certificate of Winning thatwould be issued to you, and fill the belowNon-Private Information when contacting theAgent.A. FULL NAME(S):________________________________B. ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, COUNTRY:________________C. SEX: ________________________________________D. AGE: _______________________________________E. OCCUPATION: _______________________________F. WINNING E-MAIL ADDRESS:____________________________G. TELEPHONE NUMBER: ________________________H. File Ref Number:________________________3. Also quote your File reference Number asgiven above while contacting the Agent. This isvery important and compulsory on firstcorrespondence with your claims Agent.On behalfof the entire AUSTRALIA LOTTERY INTERNATIONALstakeholders, I say congratulations!!!Sincerely,Cindy CharltonPromotion Manager,

Ato seperti ini :

Compliments,Salam Alaykum!I know that this message will come to you as a surprise. I am the Auditing and Accounting section manager in Bank Of Africa Ouagadougou Burkina faso. I Hope that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident which I am respose on you the mutual benefit for families.I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of($12.5)million US dollars to your account within 10 or 14 banking days.This money has been dormant for years in our Bank without claim.I want the bank to release the money to you as the nearest person to our deceased customer,be sides I don't want the money to go into government treasury as an abandoned fund. So this is the reason why I am contacting you so that the bank can release the money to you as the next of kin to the deceased customer.Please I would like you to keep this proposal as a top secret between me and you. Upon receipt of your reply, I will give you full details on how the business will be executed and also note that you will have 40% of the above mentioned sum while 50% will be for me, and the other 10% will be for the expences occur in this transaction,if you agree to handle this business with me reply immediately.I am expecting your urgent responsesYour’S Faithfully,Mr yacubu adams,Bill And Exchange Manager,Bank of Africa [B.O.A]Ouagadougou,Burkina Faso.

Aduh aduh..
Aku gak begitu ngerti bahasanya..
Ya semacam pemberitahuan pemenang gitu ya(sepertinya)..
Andai aja ini kenyataan (eeeeeeeeeeeem, aku gak bisa bayangin senangnya hatiku)..
---ngarep dikit kan gak pa pa---
Yaaah, berdoa aja semoga itu kenyataan yang tertunda..
---ngarep lagiii---
Oiya, buat temen temen jangan mudah percaya ma email gituan..
Jangan seperti temen gue yang langsung seneng setelah nerima email seperti itu, ampe buat pengumuman di depan kantor kalo dia dapat hadiah via email..
***jangan jangan itu kamu sendiri ya? hehe ngaku dech***
---ah, itu temen gue kok, sumpah dech---
Andai aja itu beneran, gue bisa beli rumah tuch..
--ngarep lagi---

4 komentar:

  1. Wah sama atuh ram. Di spam ane juga full sama email begituan. Mudah2an kapan2 dapet mail yg beneran dari BCA atau Mandiri gitu dapet 1 M hehehe

  2. Iya..
    Moga aja jadi kenyataan..
    ---ngarep lagi---
    Akhir2 ini kebanyakan ngarepin yg aneh aneh..
    (narzies nich)

  3. bedeh, bapak gw dapet spam lebih parah, sampe katanya dapet 50 miliyar gitu, ada sertifikatnya lagi, dasar spam ada ada aja

  4. waduh..
    parah banget tuh..
    oiya, kok ya id nya pake anonim sich?
    kan lebih enak..
    bisa saling kenalan..


Disini gak dilarang berkomentar, jadi silahkan berkomentar..